EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
The Master in Interior Design promotes the conception of interiors as relational spaces, designed to accommodate and organize all human activities. Environments that communicate and involve the user on a physical, emotional and social level.
Interiors can be viewed as places where people relate to one another. They can be designed to play host to any human activity and give shape to it in the process. Indoor environments communicate with their users by involving them in physical, emotional, and social terms.
Interior design is one of the most dynamic areas in the field of design as a whole. This area of endeavor now includes and reaches beyond the traditional definition of designing architecture’s intimate elements. And the change has had direct effects on the profession of interior designer.
Selected from the faculty at the Politecnico di Milano and at the Scuola Politecnica di Design – SPD, teachers in the Specializing Master include university professors and researchers, designers, and professionals who specialize in the various fields.
This Specializing Master in Interior Design is devoted to those who wish to specialize in planning interiors, from large public spaces to private areas, from offices to places for entertaining. At the end of the Specializing Master, students will have acquired a strategic vision of the project, the method, and the technical skills they will need to work as qualified professionals in the field.
MID is a complete postgraduate training program that shares the experience of two of the most important Italian educational contexts.
The Specializing Master, oriented toward training professionals and career building, provides an amalgam of theory, experimental research, and design tasks. Practical skills are consolidated during topical project work that deals with producing, promoting, and planning spaces, services, and equipment. Learning takes place through a balanced mixture of general training, lectures, project work, and internship.
General Training
These units of introductory and specialist teaching provide tools and skills needed for designing.
Seminars and Lectures
At these encounters, students are brought into contact with inside witnesses to the profession: designers, enterprises, trade groups, and journalists.
These simulations develop design skills. Topics include: producing and promoting an environment, its services, and the equipment with which it is furnished.
This training internship of about three months at design studios or companies enables students to transfer the skills acquired in class to a professional setting.
There are five design workshops and they deal with different themes: domestic, office, exhibition, hospitality hospitality and retail.
Starting with the first workshop, which acts as a hinge between the academic and professional worlds, the educational path is structured by complexity, with the aim of guiding the student to the professional world in a gradual and growing way.
The workshops are coordinated professionals belonging to internationally renowned realities, allowing students to confront not only different fields but also different design methodologies and different approaches to interior design.
Project briefs are always up-to-date and are coordinated with the theoretical teachings to allow students to immediately consolidate what they have learned during the lectures.
Topics of Instruction
Culture of living – domestic space
The new imagination: traditional ways, trends, future objects for daily life. Interiors today and the evolution of living. How living is represented in the media. Interiors and the psychology of living. Space as narrative: signs, symbols, codes, and meanings in interior architecture. Interiors as strategy elements: languages and archetypal settings. Interiors between fashion and design. The urban setting. Other cultures of living.
Domestic Space
Evolving domestic space and new ideas for living. Choosing between handcrafted and mass-produced construction. Living with the senses: perception, shapes, and objects. Home furnishing and sensory settings. Proxemics and relations within space. Ambient healthfulness and comfort. The quality of space. Functionality and meaning of space and of its furnishings.
Consumption and Distribution
The psychology of consumption: merchandise as the object of desire. The evolving nature of consumption spaces and distribution spaces: from classic models to integrated shopping centers. Supermarkets, hypermarkets, and malls. Product lifecycle. Commercial space and communication strategies.
Consumption Space
Placement plans. Image choices. Spaces as interfaces between production and consumption. Design types and trends: luxury, fashion and accessories, fast food and slow food, sports and leisure, cars and cycles, consumer electronics, financial products. Dynamic displays: from the shelf to the temporary set. Technological and production issues. Designing finishing materials. Designing a furniture retail outlet: installation and communication issues. Designing restaurant space. Communication and marketing.
The hospitality sector and hotel spaces and wellness
Spaces, behavior, and archetypes: travel, vacation, business, leisure, and intimacy. The evolution of hotel interiors and their main types: traditional, trendy, design, boutique, and luxury. Designing atmosphere in hospitality spaces. Building hotel identity in industrial and design terms. Theme hospitality.
Hospitality Space
Interior design and hotels: designing interior hotel space. Designing arrival areas: lobbies and front desks. Designing private space: the hotel room in relation to its furniture and bathroom equipment. The hotel room as workspace. Contract design for hotel space. Designing finishing materials. Case histories.
Exhibition project in the scenario of contemporary interiors.
Work place
Interiors and the Workplace
Virtual work and real humanity. Toward the ubiquitous office: the architecture of omnipresent work. Smart buildings. Integrated interior design. Furnishing scenarios. Interior architecture and the psychology of the workplace.
Work Environments and Communication
Archetypes of work: the factory from manufacturing model to space-age myth. From the office building to the mobile office. General workplace requirements. Climate control and environmental comfort. Articulated spaces, built-in equipment, and interpersonal relations. Communication as a cross-cultural factor. The evolution of organizations: forms and locations of the new job. Architecture, the environment, and information technology. Indoor environment and natural environment. The search for the module: kind and amount of space. New formal features. Smart materials. Interior design and industrial design. Case studies.
Will be examined some cases and significant examples of interior spaces and furnishings, with reference to the recent history of interior design, highlighting the features/characteristics and underlying design methodologies, also in relation to an Italian approach/”way”.
Materials and Technology
The contemporary scenario of materials and main technologies for interior design
Lighting Design
The use and language of light. Illumination from private areas to public areas. Lighting to create the atmosphere in an interior. Lighting design in hotel interiors and in the workplace. Natural light and artificial lighting in large urban spaces. Interiors and exteriors.
System Design Milan
Milan and design: places and relationships also in connection to the Milan Design Week.
Theory and criticism of interior design
Methodologies and “theoretical-critical” contributions in the approach to contemporary interior design.
This involves the rationales for organizational and personal change, teamwork and relationship dynamics, and taking part in the professional environment.
The Specializing Master grants 60 CFU, equivalent to 60 ECTS.
At the end of the course, passing the final examination, will be issued a Diploma of Specializing Master in “Interior Design” by the Politecnico di Milano.
At the end of the Master, participants will have acquired capacities and strategic visions about project. They will be able to collaborate at an higher level with design studios as Interior Designer or Corporate Consultant, to work for real estate services, distribution, hospitality or furniture industries.
The Specializing Master is open to students holding a Degree, Master’s Degree or University-level Diploma in Architecture, Engineering, Industrial Design. Equivalent qualifications from foreign universities will be considered for applicants from abroad.
Foreign Students
The admissions office can provide assistance with enrollment procedures, visa requests, and permits to stay in Italy. Lessons are held in Italian. Foreign students are required to acquire an intermediate level of Italian proficiency. The admissions office can provide information on schools for learning and improving knowledge of the language.
The formal evaluation of the study title eligibility is by Politecnico di Milano. As a consequence the formal application should be done on the website (the steps are described in the following weblink).
In particular, the steps that you will have to follow are those mentioned from page 1 to page 8 (by clicking on the following link you will find yourself directly in the same page shown on guidelines).
To take part to the selection process, the application form must be completed online within the following deadlines:
EU/ Non-EU who graduated in Italy / EU citizens with qualification gained abroad within February 8th, 2025,
Non-EU citizens who graduated abroad January 8th, 2024.
The Specializing Master costs 16.500 € Exempt from VAT under Article 10 of DPR 633/72.
A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.
A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.
Intesa San Paolo supports talents and gives everyone access to training. Discover more details here.
Selected from the faculty at the Politecnico di Milano and at the Scuola Politecnica di Design – SPD, teachers in the Specializing Master include university professors and researchers, designers, and professionals who specialize in the various fields.