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  • Product Design
Executive Course / V edition

Design Tools

The Course in Design Tools is designed to refine previous skills in the field of project representation, with particular attention to the industrial product.

1.200 €
3 Apr. 2023 - 1 Jun. 2023
Available seats : -


More and more importance, in the digital age, is acquiring freehand drawing understood as the first and most immediate tool for the representation of the idea and, therefore, of the project itself. The Course aims to provide the tools necessary for the control of freehand drawing. To achieve this we need to sharpen our graphic skills through the knowledge of techniques combined with continuous experimentation, and to develop a strong capacity to observe reality, starting from the recall of the principles of descriptive geometry seen as a founding tool for all the techniques of representation used in design.

At the end of the Course the students will have improved their ability to represent and present design ideas in the field of industrial product design, using freehand drawing techniques.

The Course is addressed to all candidates to allow to refine the skills of representation in a design context, with particular attention to the design of the industrial product.

Design Tools Course consists of teaching modules that can also be attended individually.

The Course will be in telematics mode.




Fausto Brevi Scientific Director
Flora Gaetani Technical Director



Attendance is mandatory by a minimum of 80% of the total lessons hours.

Training objectives

The course aims to provide students with a conscious mastery of projective techniques (orthogonal projections, axonometric and perspective) together with knowledge of the principles of representation by analogy of form and graphic techniques for the realization of sketches and freehand drawings, through laboratory activities and exercises aimed at the representation of real objects.


Didactic Modules

The course consists of 2 units:

Unit 1 (30 hours) – Sketching for Industrial Design

The course aims to provide a conscious mastery of projective techniques (orthogonal projections,
axonometric and perspective) together with the knowledge of the principles of representation.
At the end of the course the students will improve their ability to represent design ideas in the field of industrial design, using freehand drawing techniques.


  • Basics of descriptive geometry – axonometric orthogonal projections and perspective –
  • Observation of reality
  • Using of the medium: the hand
  • Tools for hand drawing
  • Drawing elementary shapes
  • Graphic synthesis: turning complex objects into simple shapes
  • Controlling the shape – intuitive perspective
  • Lights and shadows
  • Using colors

Unit 2 (30 hours) –  Adobe Tools

The course aims to provide the basic knowledge to manage the creation of visual digital contents. Students will learn the basic tools to manage digital images and graphic layouts.
The course includes practical lessons focused on three softwares from the Adobe Suite: Photoshop (image management), Illustrator (management of vector graphics) and Premiere (video editing).


  • Digital image
  • Image composition
  • Color
  • Text
  • Grid and layout
  • Audio-video language

Title Released

At the end of the lessons, students will receive the Higher Education Course in Design Tools Open Badge issued by


Employment Opportunities

At the end of the course the students will have improved their ability to represent and present a project, both through traditional techniques and through those based on three-dimensional digital modeling.



The course is aimed at graduates, students and professionals of design disciplines.

The course is aimed at all those who have an interest or need to learn about the Adobe tools for presenting the project.

Depending on the composition of the classroom, targeted exercises will be proposed following an approach strongly linked to the professional field; theoretical lessons will be mixed with practical exercises on the main software Adobe: Photoshop (image management), Illustrator (management of vector graphics) and Premiere (video editing).



Deadline to send the application: March 2023.


Design Tools refers to the enrolment in the entire course, which includes 2 Units:

  • Sketching for Industrial Design (30h)
  • Adobe Tools (30h)

Total hours: 60



Registration fee:

  • 2 courses  (Design Tools: Sketching for industrial design + Adobe Tools) 60h: € 1.200,00+IVA, for students € 1.000+IVA;
  • Sketching for industrial design 30h € 700,00+IVA, for students € 600,00+IVA;
  • Adobe Tools 30h € 700,00, for students € 600,00+IVA. offers the community of Politecnico di Milano a 50% discount to be applied to the participation fee for a I and II level Specializing Master or Higher Education Course / Post Graduate Program / Continuing Education Course which manages and provides. The discount is for internal staff (i.e., structured teachers and technical and administrative staff) with active contracts at Politecnico di Milano and members of their household.


To benefit from the discount you will need to:

  • send the selection application to the chosen course with the relevant required documents;
  • successfully pass the selections;
  • send a copy of the applicant’s family status.



Current edition


Fausto Brevi Scientific Director
Flora Gaetani Technical Director