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Francesco Bombardi


Design for Food

IV edition
  • English
  • October 2025


Architect (Politecnico di Milano) he has studied at ETSAB Barcelona and Domus Academy Milano and teaches Industrial Design at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Engineering Faculty). He is the founder of Fab Lab Reggio Emilia (2012) powered by REI, the ideator and director of “Officucina” for the Food Innovation Program (2015), architect and designer of the Design Thinking Area for Barilla (2015) reported in ADI INDEX 2016, and the curator of the “Kitchen Tools” area for the New Craft exhibit in the XXI Triennale di Milano (2016). With his project LABolla, food lab for kids designed for Fondazione Reggio Children and Enel Cuore Onlus, he has been awarded by FRAME as “best learning space of the year 2018” and shortlisted for German Design Award 2019. After the experience “Food Shuttle” designed for Cirfood and the restaurant-bar “Un posto a Base” designed for Base Ex Ansaldo (Milan), he was invited to present the new lab for STEAM “iVulcani” at EXPO Dubai 2020 with Coopselios/Learning by Languages. He is actually in the research for applications of digital fabrication models into learning environments and Food Design solutions for Space Economy.



Architetto (Politecnico di Milano) ha studiato presso ETSAB Barcellona e Domus Academy Milano e insegna Industrial Design all’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Facoltà di Ingegneria). È fondatore del Fab Lab Reggio Emilia (2012) powered by REI, ideatore e direttore di “Officucina” per il Food Innovation Program (2015), architetto e designer della Design Thinking Area per Barilla (2015) segnalata in ADI INDEX 2016, e curatore dell’area “Kitchen Tools” per la mostra New Craft nella XXI Triennale di Milano (2016). Con il suo progetto LABolla, food lab per bambini ideato per Fondazione Reggio Children ed Enel Cuore Onlus, è stato premiato da FRAME come “miglior spazio di apprendimento dell’anno 2018” e in shortlist per il German Design Award 2019. Dopo l’esperienza “Food Shuttle” progettata per Cirfood e il ristorante-bar “Un posto a Base” progettato per Base Ex Ansaldo (Milano), è stato invitato a presentare il nuovo laboratorio per STEAM “iVulcani” a EXPO Dubai 2020 con Coopselios/Learning by Languages. Attualmente è impegnato nella ricerca di applicazioni di modelli di fabbricazione digitale in ambienti di apprendimento e soluzioni di Food Design per la Space Economy.
