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Design Elements: the Italian Way meets China | Shanghai Tongxu Culture and Communication Co.,Ltd




Starting from March 2019, e Shanghai Tongxu Culture and Communication Co.,Ltd have launched the second edition of “Design Elements”, a series of seminars aimed at professionals and dedicated to the most innovative trends in Interior Design and beyond.

This edition has a new title, which aims to highlight the link with the Italian style: “Design Elements: the Italian Way”.

On a monthly basis, in Shanghai, designers, architects and professionals have the opportunity to meet with professors from the Politecnico di Milano and to address issues such as the use of color and decorations, the study of lighting and of the latest trends, with in-depth analyzes of hospitality, catering and retail sectors.

The program:

March 7, 8, 9, 10, 2019: Colour Design: Interior Design Application (faculty: Mario Bisson, Cristina Boeri)
April 25-26-27-28, 2019: Design Management (faculty: Giuseppe Varsavia and Cristian Catania from Lombardini22; Guest: Aldo Cibic)
June 13-14-15-16, 2019: Soft Decoration in Interior Design (faculty: Gianpietro Sacchi, Cinzia Pagni)
July 4-5-6-7, 2019: Lighting Design (faculty: Francesco Murano, Yin Jiaqi)
July 18-19-20-21, 2019: Interior Design of Hospitality (faculty: Francesco Scullica, Anna Barbara)
September 5-6-7-8, 2019: New trends  for Retail and Restaurants Design
Due to the great success, some modules were later replicated:

18, 19, 20, 21 October 2018: Colour Design: Interior Design Application (Faculty: Mario Bisson, Massimo Duroni)

28-29-30-31 March 2019: Soft Decoration in Interior Design (faculty: Gianpietro Sacchi, Cinzia Pagni)
The program of each module includes four days of teaching, which alternates  lectures, practical exercises and analysis of case studies.

New Trends for Commercial Interior Design and Soft Decoration 

The course “Design elements: the Italian way in collaboration with Shanghai Tongxu Culture and Communication Co. Ltd” ended on September the 8th with the module New Trends for Commercial Interior Design and Soft Decoration. Under the guidance of the professors of, Gianpietro Sacchi and Elena Marinoni, attendees were able to learn about the new trends used in the commercial sphere by actively participating in the 4 intensive days of seminars. The course, addressing Chinese professionals, was structured so to allow each participant to acquire the tools to present a project to a possible client, the new needs and perspectives of contemporary consumers. By conducting lectures also in evocative places such as the materoteca, professors and professionals also got to know the latest materials offered by the market.
