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  • Fashion Design
Executive Course

Sino Italy International Fashion Master Classes mets China

Shandong Fashion Design Association


Course welcomes the Shandong Fashion Design Association Delegation.
From January 2021 till October 2021, will host 10 lessons in different areas of Fashion Design, one of our 7 clusters on the rise in the Chinese market.
The Sino Italy International Fashion Master Classes Training Programme, with a Scientific Direction by the professors Arturo dell’Acqua and Gianpietro Sacchi, will help the assorted group of Chinese professionals understands more about the Italian Fashion System and Culture.
Guided by high skilled professors and professionals such as the scientific directors, Giovanni Conti, Gaia Calabrò, Fedele Sforza, Livia Tenuta, Maria Grazia Soldati, Angelo Sabbioni, Maurizia Botti and Angelo Jelmini, the delegation will learn from materials to production, knitting to jewelry, buying processes to retail, strategy to fashion events and much more!
