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Activities operates in the field of design promotion via competitions, cultural events and publishing activities. It collaborates with organizations, institutions and companies on the national and international territory.

Competitions set up

A competition can be promoted by companies, firms or associations, who are interested in supporting initiatives in the field of design. handles the planning, organization and co-ordination of the Competition. On behalf of the promoter it runs the following: secretarial services, communications plans, promotion and diffusion, the drafting of the call for applications, the testing of selected candidates and organization of the jury.

The recruitment invitations conform to the guidelines and criteria which are set by the Professional Associations. has its own platform for managing the call for applications and can count on a professional network that is in touch, nationally and internationally with universities that can distribute the announcement.
Together with the promoter, the objectives are defined and studied each time in order to achieve the best results, by using the most appropriate format possible.

The competition can be organized according to two main modalities:

  • Apply by invitation. Participants are individually selected and then invited to participate.
  • Apply by ideas. The initiative is communicated nationally and internationally with a call for proposals.

The application can be open or feature set criteria.

All competitions

Editorial activities

Edizioni is the brand name under which operates as a publisher. aims to support and distribute studies, research and results, both nationally and internationally, across different disciplines that reflect the multi-form reality of Sistema Design Italia.

The editorial activities support the work of cultural and scientific research which is currently carried out in universities on the themes of design and project culture.


Reference market activities performed by include:

  • Companies (great enterprises, SME, small owned-operated companies) at national and european level as well as multinationals with operating headquarters in Italy;
  • Public Institutions and/or private (associations, univerisities, research centers) at national and international level;
  • Project professionals (individual designers or design studios) at national and international level.
All sponsorships and collaborations