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Relationship system works with Institutions and Companies offering its patronage to support of cultural initiatives for the purpose of promoting and disseminating the culture of design.

The’s activities sector includes:
  • enterprises (large enterprises, SMEs and craft enterprises) at national and European level and multinationals with operational headquarters in Italy;
  • public and/or private institutions (associations, universities, research centers) at national and international level;
  • project professionals (individual designers or design studios) at national and international level.

Relationship system is a DesignLibrary’s member

Promote the knowledge of design, from tradition to contemporary protagonists: with this intent and DesignLibrary come together through a special agreement to offer all Master students a free annual registration fee to DesignLibrary as well as the possibility, for all students of the Courses, of a discounted fee. All students enrolled in Masters and Executive Courses will personally receive procedures and instructions for joining the initiative via an email communication from is a PoliHub’s member

PoliHub is the Politecnico di Milano incubator managed by the Politecnico di Milano Foundation, with the contribution of the Municipality of Milan, through the instrumental company PoliHub Servizi Srl.

It offers:

  • an entrepreneurial empowerment program;
  • a single network for startups;
  • spaces specially designed for startups;
  • innovative services for startups.

PoliHub’s mission is to support highly innovative startups with scalable business models and to push cross-fertilization processes between the different startups. To do this PoliHub works through the exchange of experiences, the sharing of knowledge, the mutual contamination and the comparison between entrepreneurs, knowing full well that this collective learning will increase the probability of success of every single startup. is a Poliedra’s member

Poliedra is the Research Center in Economics and Management for the Environment and the Territory, as an autonomous division of the MIP (Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business). In 2000 the Center relocated within the Poliedra Consortium, forming a section. In the mid-2000s, following the closure of the other sections, the consortium assumed its current configuration. Subsequently, relations with the “Polytechnic system” were redefined: in 2012 with a modification of the Statute and in 2013 with the establishment of the Scientific Council.

Poliedra’s mission is the promotion of sustainability and participation in decision-making processes concerning the environment and the territory, the mobility of people and goods and the enhancement of the landscape and cultural heritage, also through innovative solutions and decision-making tools. is American Chamber of Commerce in Italy’s member

American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (AmCham) is a private, non-profit making organization founded on April 13th, 1915 in Milan. It is affiliated with the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., US Confederation, which includes more than three million companies and it is one of the 117 AmChams in 103 countries worldwide. participates in Cluster Technologies for Smart Cities & Communities – Lombardy

The Cluster Technologies Foundation for Lombardy smart cities & communities, formally born in March 2014, but already active in 2013, aims to bring together companies, research centers and stakeholders who have the skills and resources to promote and facilitate research in support of innovation, in order to design, develop and implement the most advanced technological solutions for the integrated management of systems on an urban and metropolitan scale (with particular, but not exclusive, reference to: renewable energy and energy efficiency, safety and monitoring of territory, mobility, health, well-being, e-government and justice, education and training, cultural heritage and tourism). participates in World Design Organization member of World Design Organization (WDO). The World Design Organization (WDO)™, formerly known as the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid), is an international non-governmental organization that promotes the profession of industrial design and its ability to generate better products, systems, services, and experiences; better business and industry; and ultimately a better environment and society. partecipates in the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education

EDCOM, member of edcom is the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education. The institute strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners. partecipates in the QuESTIO – Quality Evaluation in Science and Technology for Innovation Opportunity

QuESTIO, Quality Evaluation in Science and Technology for Innovation Opportunity, is a tool created by the Lombardy Region to promote the innovation ecosystem understood as a set of different subjects active in the field of research and innovation through the mapping of Research and Innovation Centers ( CRTT), Productive Activities and Lombard Technological Clusters (CTL).

QuESTIO was created to offer visibility to registered subjects:

  • Survey the competences of the Research and Innovation Centers (CRTT) to identify “who does what” in terms of services offered and describe how each Center works through specific indicators.
  • Mapping skills, infrastructures, networks and collaborations of Production Activities active in the field of innovation.
  • Promote the exchange of knowledge between innovation centers and production activities, the development of collaborations and networks both within the technical-scientific community and towards the business world, and promotes the innovation services offered by individuals.

FAI Corporate Golden Donor has decided to support the FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano by joining the Corporate Golden Donor membership program. Close to the FAI, we want to carry out a large protection project that is also an ambitious cultural challenge: to make Italy a more beautiful place to live, work and raise our children. The landscape and cultural heritage, which the FAI safeguards and promotes, in fact represents a unique capital in the world and the fundamental resource on which to invest to revive, develop and enhance our wonderful country. is Authorized Training Center V-Ray provides the V-Ray certification to the students of its Specializing Masters and provides the licensed Education package. over the years has worked for: has also collaborated with important scientific bodies, schools and associations, including :

Agenzia Spaziale Europea, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Amministrazione Dello Stato Di Bahia Brasile, Associazione Antiquari Milanesi, Assocomunicazione, Assocomaplast, Assolombarda, Comocrea, Comune Di Milano, Conai, Design Partners, Domus Academy, Esterni, Federlegno Assarredo, Federmobili, Istituto Di Imballaggio, Ministero Degli Interni Camera Dei Deputati, Politecnico Di Hong Kong, Scuola Politecnica Di Design, Senai, Università Di Palermo, Università Di Pescara, Università Di Valencia.

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