Digital Transformation and the Future of Healthcare
How the discipline of design can help the digitalization of the healthsector
Recent decades have seen a real revolution in the world, on a par with the industrial revolution.
Within just a few years, people’s habits and their way of life have been radically changed and transformed by the advent of new technologies. The digital revolution, which ushered in the digital age, has allowed many services and institutions to renew themselves, meeting people’s new habits.
Is healthcare keeping pace with this change?
Royal College of Art and holded a Talk that addressed this change.
On May 9, 2023, Professor Ashley Hall, Professor of Design Innovation in the School of Design at the Royal College of Art, and Professor Venere Ferraro Associate Professor in the Department of Design at the Polytechnic, both experts in healthcare and wellness, discussed the role of digitization in the health sector, through the perspective of the design discipline.
The free online talk delved into this topic, examining how new technologiesare changing products, services, and the experience in the health sector, and how people’s perceptions (physicians and patients alike) are shifting toward the future of health care.
Royal College of Art
The Royal College of Art aims to achieve international standards of excellence in the postgraduate and pre- /mid-professional education of artists and designers and related practitioners. It aims to achieve these through the quality of its teaching, research and practice and through its relationship with the institutions, industries and technologies associated with the disciplines of art and design.
Did you miss it? Watch it now!
Event at Digital Design Days 2024 is a partner of the Digital Design Days 2024, a three-day event focused on design, creativity, and emerging technologies. The festival will take place in Milan from October 6th to 8th.
UX Talk #37 – Designing the user experience in the public sector