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UX Talk - Episode 25th

Friday 15th October 2021, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

First autumn appointment with the UX Talks open to the public of the Higher Education Course in User Experience Design managed by

This time we will investigate the conversational dimension of objects. What is meant by Conversational Design, to what does it apply and what are the boundaries of this “new” discipline?

How does the object we design for influence conversational design?

An open discussion, during which some of the best professionals in the world of digital design will discuss the professional implications of the discipline and its impact among professionals both at an organisational and design level, recounting real cases.


To participate you need to register for free, click HERE or use the button below!



AI and Democracy

From dystopic scenarios to solutions for the stability of Western political systems, we will focus on the complex relationship between Artificial Intelligence and liberal democracy. Don’t miss the AI4Gov Dialogue online on January 31st at 5:30 PM.
Event at Digital Design Days 2024 is a partner of the Digital Design Days 2024, a three-day event focused on design, creativity, and emerging technologies. The festival will take place in Milan from October 6th to 8th.

UX Talk #37 – Designing the user experience in the public sector
