Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
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  • Communication Design
Specializing Master / XIV edition

Art Direction & Copywriting

The Specializing Master in Art Direction & Copywriting to enter in the world of communication and work as an art director and copywriter together with the best creative directors of the italian and international agencies.

14.000 €
3 Feb. 2025 - 30 Apr. 2026
Available seats : 35


The idea of the Specializing Master comes from the profound change of the Brand system, a change that has put into crisis the traditional communication systems.
The Specializing Master is aimed at those who wish to do creative work with contemporary professional skills according to the profound transformations that communication professions are facing in the transition from Advertising to the new Brand Communication System.
To prepare young designers to deal with this new scenario, creative communication projects for traditional and new media will be proposed, under the direction of Creative Directors of the most important Italian and international communication agencies.
The Laboratoriominiera Master is aimed at those who wish to do creative work in the world of brand communication, with contemporary professional skills in tune with the profound changes that the communication professions are facing in the transition from Advertising to the new Brand Communication System. The idea of the Master stems from understanding the great change that has affected the system of goods and their communication, a change that threatened traditional communication systems, expanding and intensifying the possibilities: everything is brand, everything is communication, everything is media. To provide young people with the preparation needed to tackle this new scenario, the Master will explore creative communication projects for both traditional media and new types of media, under the supervision of Creative Directors from major Italian and international communications agencies.



Francesca Piredda Scientific Director
Luis Ciccognani Creative Director


Youtube Flickr


Palestra propedeutica al Master in Art Direction & Copywriting

Shi Yue


Didactic Plan

The Specializing Master is a laboratory, structured as a creative department where, in addition to a deep practical activity, are connected research and design through experimentation which is a fundamental requirement given the extraordinary competition of new media, languages and dynamics.
The young designers will work as in a communication agency, in a couple or in groups, under the supervision of Creative Directors of the most important Italian and international communication agencies, dealing with multiple briefs with various complexities.

This Specializing Master brings together research modules on innovation in the field, on new technology, and on Italian and overseas state-of-the-art creativity and project work. These modules put in place the same dynamics that pertain in real-world work but open to out-of-the-ordinary experimentation.

Didactic Modules

Communication as a strategic factor, Corporate communication, communication to the consumer, Elements of Marketing, New visions of marketing, marketing mix, Direct mk, guerrilla mk , Brand market strategy, Social Networking, Brand and corporate identity, target segmentation and new styles of consumption.

Traditional media and new media, case history of national and international advertising campaigns compared to the media used.

Techniques of creative writing
Thinking, research, knowledge and experimentation of how to create the identity and the communication of a brand. Methods and creative processes. Copywriting and global communication. The journalistic writing and writing forms for traditional and new media. The principles of copywriting: how to write an advertising text. Copy strategy, head-line. How information is transmitted. How you deal with creative work of writing in an advertising campaign. Working with the art director and the creative couple. The U.S.P (unique selling proposition). The interpretation of a brief strategic: from brief to the creative campaign. The creative approach in relation to different media.

Visual languages
Thinking, research, knowledge and experimentation of how to create the identity and the communication of a brand. Methods and creative processes. History of advertising in the world. Research, culture, and the encyclopedia of images, from prehistoric graffiti to more contemporary forms (art, photography, film, web, comics, illustration, graphic, dance, theater, etc.). The work of art director. How to prepare a draft of communication along with the copy. How to build a campaign on all media, traditional and new. The tools of art director: from technical manuals to digital techniques.

New media for communication
As a creative idea is declined, from the logo to the page, the posting, on the radio, cinema, television, the web, the guerrilla, to ambient, the viral, the cross mediality, and all that it is currently configured as media.

Self-awareness. Team building. Self-training.


  • Laboratory in the agency – optional depending on availability of the Agency*
  • Social communication laboratory – as an alternative to the Laboratory in an agency*

*the two teachings are not complementary, but exclusive.

Title Released

This Specializing Master leads to an exam that awards a Politecnico di Milano First Level Specializing Master Degree.

The Master grants 61 CFU, equivalent to 61 ECTS.

Employment Opportunities

During the Specializing Master, students will acquire the necessary skills to start a career as Art Director or Copywriter in communication agencies as Digital Art Director, Digital Copywriter, Content Creator, with the ability to interact with all the processes and professional figures within the workflows. During the lessons will be presented an overview of other professions that, in synergy with the creative department, contribute to the implementation of Brand Communication Projects such as Strategic Planner, Project Manager, Social Media Strategist, Community Manager The Tv Producer.



The Art Direction & Copywriting “Laboratoriominiera” Specializing Master is aimed at those who intend to join the job market, bringing with them a passion, for creative work in brand communication.  They will also bring theoretical know-how and professional skills that encompass the far-reaching changes underway in the communication trades as advertising yields to integrated next-generation public relations.  The Specializing Master is designed for students who already hold a first- or second-level university degree.


The formal evaluation of the study title eligibility is by Politecnico di Milano. As a consequence the formal application should be done on the website (the steps are described in the following weblink).

In particular, the steps that you will have to follow are those mentioned from page 1 to page 8 (by clicking on the following link you will find yourself directly in the same page shown on guidelines).


The cost of the Specializing Master is 14.000 € (13.500 € participation fee + 500 € registration fee at Politecnico di Milano).



OPEN DAY 24: -15%
A promo for those who have shown interest in our Master’s programs and are looking forward to starting an experience at

Deadline: Register for the Palestra Creativa by July 10 to take advantage of the discount. In addition, after receiving your Master’s eligibility notice, you must make the payment within 15 days. If you do not submit the payment within this timeframe, you will lose the discount.

The “Open Day 24” reduction cannot be combined with other forms of discounts.

A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.

An opportunity to gift to a friend to make education the foundation of their growth.

A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.


Intesa San Paolo supports talents and gives everyone access to training. Discover more details here.


Current edition


Francesca Piredda Scientific Director
Luis Ciccognani Creative Director


Current edition

Laboratoriominiera. La Palestra Creativa per i futuri Art Director & Copywriter

“La Palestra” represents a unique case in the Italian education system and guarantees participants a truly comprehensive learning process which is a prerequisite for the possible enrollment to the Specializing Master. In order to support students in their experience, so that they can choose to sign up with awareness and enthusiasm to the Master, La Palestra offers aspiring creative talents the opportunity to check if they are compatible with the spirit of the Master.

Find past students, what are they doing now?!!
Creative Training Programme “La Palestra” pre-Master. Some useful info:
After a meeting with the Director of the Specializing Master Luis Ciccognani, candidates can attend some lectures, and so see for themselves the interchange between creative directors and students; during the breaks they will have the opportunity to meet and listen to the experiences of those who have chosen this path.

La Palestra is structured in two stages:

STAGE 1 – ONE MONTH OF STUDIES, RESEARCH AND TRIALS: After the interview Luis Ciccognani will give candidates various types of projects and provide them with useful information, a basic book list to read, research and creative experiments to get ready for the Master. At the end of this first stage, Luis Ciccognani and the young candidates will discuss the possibility of proceeding with their enrollment.

STAGE 2 – FOR ENROLLEES, UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF THE MASTER: after the one-month trial period, once they have enrolled, the aspiring Art Directors and Copywriters will have free access, until the beginning of the Master, to the Director’s workshop, next to the Politecnico di Milano, and to other locations and cultural centres in Milan. Those who live far away can be followed in their training also via Skype.

Attendance is not mandatory; however, it does represent a great opportunity, a unique Master course in Italy: a free experience that enriches the Specializing Master: 14 months of intense work with some of the biggest names in the world of communication agencies, in addition to 480 hours (about three months) of full-time internship.

