Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
“Progettare Cultura” – “Designing Cultures” in English – is the joint 1st level Master’s degree between Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Politecnico di Milano, designed to teach how to design and plan the actions necessary for the creation of a coordinated cultural activity capable of using current languages to open up to a wide audience.
Edition: XIX
Price: 8.000,00 €
Start: 12 Nov. 2025
Language: Italian
Available seats: 25
Planning Culture, Progettare Cultura in Italian, trains professionals whose expertise will enable them to plan cultural events, such as exhibitions, installations, and public art projects, with a special eye to the visual arts, multimedia, and their relationship to the geographic area. Every cultural project is a complex system involving a series of players who take part in staging it: from the curator to the project manager, from the designer to those who take care of communication, fundraising and sponsorship, as well as the organizations hosting the project. Interaction and discussion among the various professionals who work together, each starting from a particular set of skills and point of view, help lend meaning and form to the cultural project.
The Planning Culture Specializing Master extends the experience of the Master Eventi D’Arte, an initiative of the Università Cattolica Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, under the aegis of its Alta Scuola in Media, Comunicazione e Spettacolo, organized jointly with, Politecnico di Milano.
For registration:
Classes are held Monday through Friday at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; some workshops take place at the
The course schedule includes 5 days of work per week from 2:30 to 7 p.m.; some workshops may take place in the morning.
Attendance is required for a minimum of 75% of classroom instruction hours.
The Master trains new professional figures who create and communicate cultural projects in different fields: visual arts, multimedia and design (as project managers or curators of exhibitions and art interventions), the valorization of the territory based on cultural resources and tourism (as territorial development consultants for local authorities).
The Master also aims to train self-entrepreneurship to give life to new cultural and social enterprises.
The Master is therefore strongly interdisciplinary, focused on practices of cultural innovation and involvement of new audiences, including through the languages of digital, to create innovative formats of cultural creation and fruition.
To this end, the Master Progettare Cultura makes use of a network not only of teachers, but also of established professionals and young entrepreneurs in the cultural sector that through their experience – in addition to covering the entire span of ideation, organization, economic sustainability and coordinated communication of a project – offer a fundamental update on practices best suited to the current challenges of the world of cultural design and management.
The Master Designing Culture consists of 5 macro-areas:
The didactic methodology is based on interaction with the world of cultural business and with professionals of consolidated experience who offer participants a program full of practical projects, workshop activities and visits to companies, museums, exhibitions and trade fairs to develop the necessary skills in the field of cultural project management.
The main players in the construction of a project meet in the classroom to bring the most up-to-date knowledge in their area of expertise: from the curator to the project manager, from the designer to those who deal with communication, fundraising and sponsoring, to the institutions that commission or host the project.
Curated by ALMED – Catholic University
Curated by – Politecnico di Milano
Each course of the Master involves an examination with a grade expressed in thirtieths; the credits earned for each course can be recognized to those who intend to enroll in a subsequent course of Specialistic/Magistral Degree congruent.
At the end of the course, the students participate in the final Project work in which every year a real client is invited to submit a brief and to evaluate the results of the group work.
Project work realized in the previous editions of the Master:
Pinacoteca di Brera (y.y. 2019/2020), Comune di Milano Casa Boschi Di Stefano/Biblioteche di quartiere (y.y. 2018/2019), MEET Centro Internazionale per la Cultura Digitale, (y.y. 2017/2018), Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, (y.y. 2016/2017); Pirelli Hangar Bicocca (y.y. 2015/2016); Kalatà (y.y. a. 2014/2015); bando Transition (a.a. 2013/2014); The round table (a.a. 2012/2013); Marco Pogliani, Expo communication strategic consultant (a.a. 2011/2012); Pinacoteca di Brera (a.a. 2010/2011); Assab One (a.a. 2009/2010); Lettera 27 (a.a. 2008/2009); Civita Milano (a.a. 2007/2008).
The internships of 400 hours (12 CFU) are an integral part of the training path proposed by the Master.
The selected companies or institutions that welcome the trainee will actively involve him/her in the different phases of conception, management and communication of a cultural project.
The choice of the internship for each Master’s participant is followed by the Master’s coordinator and by a coordinator expressly dedicated to internships; orientation is aimed at assessing the best match between the student’s competences and aptitudes and the projects in progress at the companies and institutions that offer their availability.
Some of the institutions where the internships of the previous editions of the Master took place: ADI Associazione per il Design Industriale, Fondazione Altagamma, Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, Italian Accenture Foundation, Italian Social Foundation, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, Prada Foundation.
Upon completion of all courses in the curriculum and the final examination, students are awarded a Specializing Master Diploma in Planning Culture: Designer of art, culture and Design Projects for Enterprises, Cities, and Communities, issued jointly by Università Cattolica and Politecnico di Milano.
The Specializing Master grants 60 CFU, equivalent to 60 ECTS. These credits may later be claimed within the framework of specialist degrees in fields related to the Specializing Master at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia and the Politecnico di Milano and applied to course requirements in the corresponding scientific and disciplinary subjects. The boards authorized for the purpose at the respective universities will evaluate such claims on a case-by-case basis.
This Specializing Master provides students the professional qualifications for:
The Specializing Master is aimed at Italian and foreign undergraduates and graduates interested in acquiring practical skills in the conception and design of interventions in the field of cultural heritage, visual arts and land development based on cultural resources and tourism.
Applications will be judged in order of receipt until all the seats will be provided.
The Selection Committee reserves the right to modify the number of those admitted to the limit of 20% of the maximum number of seats provided.
An initial selection of candidates will be made on the basis of materials submitted with the application. Items evaluated includes:
Students who, according to the preselection, will be admitted to the talks, will be informed by the Secretariat about the date, time and place of the meetings.
Through the admission interview are evaluated:
Knowledge of languages, any professional experience or internships in the field and previous studies of the subject are considered privileged requirements.
Candidates must complete their application by 16 October 2025 through the admission portal. For more information and applications, please visit the Admission and Scholarships page.
The application must be accompanied by:
– certificate of degree with grade and thesis title;
– detailed curriculum vitae with photograph;
– list of publications related to Master’s content;
– receipt for online payment of € 50.00 non refundable application fee.
Applicants are welcome to participate in selection for more than one Specializing Master. In such case copies of the required documents must be submitted separately for each program. In case of admission to more than one Specializing Master, applicants will be required to choose one for actual enrollment.
Registration fee: € 50 to be paid in the manner specified in the online application. The fee is non-refundable.
Students admitted to the Specializing Master are required to promptly confirm their enrollment with the Ufficio Master admissions office as instructed, lest admission be canceled. Annual tuition fees total € 8.000 (exempt from VAT under Article 10 of DPR 633/72).
The cost of enrollment in the Specializing Master entitle to deduct tax of 19% as falling under “university specialization courses”.
A €250 discount on the participation fee for those who submit their application by July 1, 2025.