EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
The User Experience Design (UX) Course is an executive Course with lessons and practical activities for digital professionals who want to learn User Experience (UX) methods and tools, from research with users to prototyping, up to qualitative assessment.
The Course aims to train professionals of the User Experience who are autonomously able to design the Information Architecture and the interface of the new digital services starting from the requirements provided by the Customer and using the specific methodologies and tools of the discipline, working both in team and individually within a business context or self-employment.
The Course includes 4 didactic modules including the final presentation of the works. It provides a daily commitment of 8 hours for a total of 11 days. To allow the attendance also to people who are already working, the formula has been chosen that includes lessons and exercise activities on Friday and Saturday. Frontal and tutorial modules are provided.
The exercises will be managed on real cases with the involvement of companies and professionals who will guide the participants in a context as close as possible to the working and professional reality.
Training, creativity, inspiration, and networking. A blend of professionalism and passion!
The course has provided me with useful tools in the professional world, enabling me to transition from a more general role to a greater specialization within this field, thus becoming a more well-rounded professional.
Thanks to the course, I’ve enhanced my work and strengthened my impact in delivering truly human-centered services to Italian universities.
Thanks to the course, I’ve prioritized the “whys” rather than immediately worrying about the “hows”.
With this course I was interested in updating my skills, starting from ergonomics and anthropology, measuring myself with the new orientations of these disciplines towards the digital world.
I chose to participate in this course because coming from marketing I found myself more than once communicating with professionals from the UX, design and planning fields, and I wanted to find a point of dialogue and common convergence.
I deal with developing software solutions to support clinical activities in the field of telemedicine. The course allowed me to learn the basic notions of User Experience design which I will then have the opportunity to deepen and insert into daily working practice.
The course represented a moment of strong professional and human growth: it was interesting because we had the opportunity to work in a heterogeneous group on a real project, developed together, to then arrive at a concrete result, despite the different backgrounds of the participants.
I decided to attend the course to broaden my horizons from the design to the development phase. In particular, it helped me to focus on the first part, through the research and analysis phases to define the communication architecture and the flow of the user experience.
I am very satisfied with this course: it was very useful because not having a background as a designer (I have a degree in geology) it filled many methodological gaps.
After graduating from the Milan Polytechnic, I moved abroad and currently work in Zurich. This course helped me a lot to complete my professional profile and to develop a new network of collaborations in Italy.
After graduating in economics and marketing at Bocconi, I have been working at IBM for more than a year and increasingly in our projects it is important to have a user centered approach, to be able to manage a user experience project alongside a team of developers and analysts. This course was very useful because it gave me the fundamental tools and project guidelines through a clear and effective methodology.
After studying graphics and art direction, I specialized in interface design and I realized that to create one correctly, one must first understand who uses it and their needs. For this reason, the course was fundamental and will be the first in a series of in-depth studies in this direction.
I wanted to take this course to be able to create graphics that are more aware of the needs of a user while using an interface. It was a very stimulating experience because I came into contact with a working method that allowed me to understand the importance of the user’s role in graphic design.
Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%.
The Course aims to:
The course has a duration of 88 hours, for a total of 11 days including the final presentation of the work.
Classes will take place on Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.
The course is in blended mode and comprises 6 in-person days (21, 22, 28 and 29 March 2025 – 11 and 12 April 2025) and 5 distance learning days (7, 8, 14 and 15 March 2025 – 4 April 2025).
The course includes 4 didactic modules including the final presentation of the works.
Module 1 – UX Values
User Experience principles, good practices and trends.
Introduction to Service Design.
Product development models: Design Thinking, Lean, Agile, Sprint.
Principles of cognitive psychology.
The technological scenario.
Module 2 – UX Metadesign
Interaction Design tools and methods:
User Story, Use Case, Information Architecture, Wireframing and Prototyping.
Module 4 – UX Follow-up
Strumenti e metodi per misurare la UX:
Conversion Rate Optimization e Usability Test.
Dalla UX alla UI: buone pratiche per trasferire le specifiche di progetto.
UX Talk
Meetings with professionals and big companies in the sector to deepen hot topics and case studies.
Project Work
In addition to the lectures, the development of a project is planned starting from a real case commissioned by a company: the activity is conducted in a group for the duration of the course and aims to strengthen learning with a hands-on approachfollowed by a team of teachers and tutors.
At the end of the course will be awarded and Open Badge in the User Experience Design Course.
The figure of the UXD represents one of the most requested professions in the digital sector, in the face of a university offer that so far has provided basic skills, but without transferring the specialized preparation that the market requires.
UXD can work for agencies, start-ups, companies or as a freelancer.
The application areas are multiple, potentially applicable to all sectors (financial, editorial, sports, fashion …), digital formats (community, e-commerce, configurators, corporate sites …) and are in further expansion, thanks to increase in formats and devices (not least the wearable trend, on the wave of the Internet of Things).
The course is aimed at
Candidates should preferably be familiar with the main Internet-related issues (web browsers, open source tools, use of social media) and with word processing, calculation and/or vector and raster image production programmes.
Admission to the course is subject to a telephone interview with the Course Director in order to assess the incoming skills in relation to the outgoing skills.
In order to be admitted to the selections, candidates must register on the course page on the website and proceed to send their application.
Deadline for application: February 28, 2025.
The total cost of the course is € 2,500.00 + VAT 22% for each student. This sum will be paid in a single instalment upon signing the private agreement.
The promotion for those who have clear ideas, know which educational path can enrich their future, and can’t wait to get back to the classroom.
Application deadline: November 29, 2024.
Deadline for sending the signed contract and the payment of the participation fee: no later than December 9, 2024.
The discount for those who have already trusted and Polimi, and wish to return to study and build their future.
A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.
A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.
An opportunity to gift to a friend to make education the foundation of their growth.
A discount for those who want to perfect their skills, for those who continually invest in education, not just once but multiple times. Thus:
The discount designed for companies that recognize training as a crucial factor for growth.
The “Business Boost” discount provides a variable reduction on the participation fee for two or more employees in catalog courses. Specifically, the discount amounts to:
Furthermore, companies that purchase more than one Course for two or more employees in the same calendar year can access an additional 10% discount on the total.
Enrollment in User Experience Design (UX) Course and User Interface Design (UI) Course
For those who enroll in both the Executive Course in UI Design and Execuitve Course in User Experience Design the total cost is € 4,000.00 + VAT 22% (instead of €5,000.00 + VAT 22%).
A discount for those who want to perfect their skills, for those who continually invest in education, not just once but multiple times. Thus:
For those who enroll in both the Executive Course in UI Design and Executive Course in User Experience Design the total cost is € 4,000.00 + VAT 22% (instead of €5,000.00 + VAT 22%).