EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
User Interface Design (UI): a training path with lectures and hands-on activities to learn methods and tools to become Interface Design professionals (UI designer). From concept to high fidelity prototyping, through designing a UI library and defining a flexible design system.
An interface is a touch point or intermediation between two entities, be them systems, things or people, and allows interaction between them.
Designing a user interface (abbr. UI) can be considered a strictly digital concept. A user interface is the point of interaction between the user and a digital device or product such as the touchscreen of a smartphone or the touchpad to select the type of coffee at a vending machine.
In relation to websites and apps, the design of the user interface considers the appearance, feel and interactivity of the artifact. It is necessary to design the user interface of a product to be as intuitive as possible, which means carefully considering every single visual and interactive element that the user may encounter. A UI designer thinks of multiple aspects: icons, buttons, typographic systems, color schemes, spacing, images, diagrams and in general all those aspects that affect the quality of interaction with a digital artifact.
Like user experience design (abbr. UX), user interface design is also a multifaceted and inspiring role. It is responsible for transferring the study, research, content, and layout of a product into an attractive experience, capable of effectively guiding users in a cognitive process. While the UX designer maps the journey, the UI designer focuses on all the details that make this journey possible. This doesn’t mean that UI design is just a matter of appearance; UI designers have a huge impact on whether a product is accessible and inclusive, in summary if it works.
The software used
The software used for the design will be Miro and Figma: each student will have free access to the programs for the duration of the course.
The course includes 11 teaching modules of 8 hours for a total of 11 days.
To allow attendance to workers, the chosen formula provides lessons and exercises on Fridays and Saturdays. Mixing frontal teaching and exercise modules are, the exercises will be managed on real cases with the involvement of companies and professionals who will guide the participants in a context as close as possible to the working and professional reality.
The presentation of the final works is scheduled for June 21, 2025.
The course aims to train professionals who are autonomously able to design the interface of new digital services starting from the requirements provided by the Client and making use of the specific methodologies and tools of the discipline, working both in teams and individually within a company context or self-employment. Profiles of interest: Graphic Designer, Front-end Developers, Web and Mobile, Art Director, Web designer, Digital Project Manager.
Paolo Basso
Francesco Cosmai
Giacomo Flaim
Mattia Reali
Co-founder & Digital Creative Director
Riccardo Volpato
Co-founder & Digital Creative Director
Luciano Baresi
Full Professor
Dip. DEIB Politecnico di Milano
Michele Di Dalmazi
PhD Scholar
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale
Francesco Improta
Digital product designer
Designers Italia, Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale
Mirko Santangelo
Partner & Creative Director
Paper Tiger
Marianna Cerato
Senior UX e Team Manager
Maria Francesca Di Alessandro
Co-founder e design recruiter
Hassan Nasser
Co-founder e design recruiter
Alessio Cardelli
Product designer
Faculty Past editions
Marco Livi
Creative Director
UP Studio
Roberto Falcone
Antonio Matera
UX Engineer
Ilenia Baronio
UI Designer
Ilaria Vitali
User Researcher & Conversational Designer
Manuela Sissa
Head of Campaign & UI Designer
Guido Parlato
Senior Design Director
80% of the course attendance is mandatory.
The Advanced Training Course in UI Design aims to:
The course lasts 88 hours, for a total of 11 days. Closing and final presentation of the works: April 29, 2023.
Lessons will take place on Friday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The course is in blended mode and includes 6 in-person days (3rd, 4th and 6th weekends) and 5 distance learning days (1st, 2nd and 5th weekends). The course will take place in- presence except for the following days: 9, 10, 16 e 17 may 2025 and 13 june 2025.
Module 1
Introduction to the Course
UX vs UI vs Product Design
Introduction to UI Design
Module 2
Brand Design
UI Library: Moodboard and Style & Tile
Figma Basics
Module 3
Design System and Design Tokens
The Technological Context: Formats, Logics, and Frameworks
Project Work
Module 4
How to Use Illustrations and Photographs in Interfaces
Motion Design
Icon Design
Project Work
Module 5
Figma Advanced
Generative AI
Usability Testing
Project Work
Final Exam
Presentation of Project Work Results
At the end of the course will be awarded and Open Badge in the User Interface Design Course.
The UI Designer is one of the most requested professionals in the digital sector, so far facing the provision of basic skills at university level that didn’t transfer the specialized training required by the market, up to now.
The UI can work for agencies, start-ups, companies or as a freelancer.
The professional may work in multiple areas, the UI being potentially applicable to all product sectors (financial, editorial, sports, fashion …), digital formats (community, e-commerce, configurators, corporate sites …) and sectors in further expansion, thanks to the increase in formats and devices.
The course is intended for:
It is preferable that candidates are already familiar with the main issues related to the Internet (navigation browser, open-source tools, use of social media) and with word processing, calculation and / or production of vector and raster images.
Admission to the course is subject to a prior selection which includes a cognitive interview with the Course Direction.
Candidates must send the selection documents by connecting to the following LINK:
Deadline to participate in the 4th edition: April 11, 2025.
The total cost of the course is € 2,500.00 + VAT 22% for each student. This sum will be paid in a lump sum upon signing the agreement.
For those who enroll in both the Executive Course in User Experience Design and the Executive Course in UI Design the total cost is € 4,000.00 + VAT 22% (instead of €5,000.00 + VAT 22%).
The promotion for those who have clear ideas, know which educational path can enrich their future, and can’t wait to get back to the classroom.
Application deadline: March 18, 2025.
Deadline for sending the signed contract and the payment of the participation fee: no later than March 21, 2025.
A chance to gift your siblings the encouragement they need to invest in their future.
A promotion designed to strengthen the bond and identity among members of the Politecnico di Milano community.
BACK TO SCHOOL: -30% on Executive Courses
The discount for those who have already trusted and Polimi, and wish to return to study and build their future
A discount for those who want to perfect their skills, for those who continually invest in education, not just once but multiple times.
The discount designed for companies that recognize training as a crucial factor for growth.
The “Business Boost” discount provides a variable reduction on the participation fee for two or more employees in catalog courses. Specifically, the discount amounts to:
Furthermore, companies that purchase more than one Course for two or more employees in the same calendar year can access an additional 10% discount on the total.
Paolo Basso
Francesco Cosmai
Giacomo Flaim
Mattia Reali
Co-founder & Digital Creative Director
Riccardo Volpato
Co-founder & Digital Creative Director
Luciano Baresi
Full Professor
Dip. DEIB Politecnico di Milano
Michele Di Dalmazi
PhD Scholar
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale
Francesco Improta
Digital product designer
Designers Italia, Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale
Mirko Santangelo
Partner & Creative Director
Paper Tiger
Marianna Cerato
Senior UX e Team Manager
Maria Francesca Di Alessandro
Co-founder e design recruiter
Hassan Nasser
Co-founder e design recruiter
Alessio Cardelli
Product designer
Faculty Past editions
Marco Livi
Creative Director
UP Studio
Roberto Falcone
Antonio Matera
UX Engineer
Ilenia Baronio
UI Designer
Ilaria Vitali
User Researcher & Conversational Designer
Manuela Sissa
Head of Campaign & UI Designer
Guido Parlato
Senior Design Director
For those who enroll in both the Executive Course in UI Design and Executive Course in User Experience Design the total cost is € 4,000.00 + VAT 22% (instead of €5,000.00 + VAT 22%).
Send your application by March 18, 2025 to take advantage of the Early Bird reduction! Deadline for sending the signed contract and payment of the full participation fee: no later than March 21, 2025.