On November 2016, an Interior Design Customized Seminar has been held in China by two leading figures in the world of architecture and design, Gianpietro Sacchi, and Alberto Zanetta both professors at POLI.design.
The seminar schedule involved a stage for two days in three different cities. A special thanks to Tongji University in Shanghai, Speed Up Space of Huarun Plaza in Shenzhen and Green Hall of Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Beijing that hosted the lectures of the Politecnico’s faculty.
The topics have been selected focusing on some innovative themes in the field of Interior Design such as:
The design of sensory experiences in the home;
The new domestic scenarios related to new technologies;
The analysis of new housing needs;
The ideal light for any home;
The architectural decorations: from history to the present day;
Contemporary luxury materials;
Tailored Interior design for customers.
The seminar had a big success with a large number of participants.