Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
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EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
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  • Interior Design and Architecture
Specializing Master

Design, Art and Space



The Master in Design, Art and Space, based in the previous editions with the title Design, Art and Space Design, is held in Italian with the possibility of simultaneous translation into Chinese.

It provides for the deepening of issues relating to design, its interrelationships with the world of art and its influence in the design of urban and inhabited space, with the involvement of transversal disciplines and according to specific themes and strategies belonging to the cross-fertilization methodology. The lessons will take place both in Italy and in China.


Alessandro Biamonti Scientific Director
Maria Rita Canina Vice Director
Lorenzo Morganti Scientific board


Training objectives

The Specializing Master aims to grow a wide and transversal Skills System, mainly aimed at understanding and enhancing of the artistic product e of project innovation. Innovation understood at a multi-sector level (Product, Communication, Interiors, Services), with a particular focus on issues relating to spaces. Particular attention is also promoted to the artistic and cultural heritage. Especially with regard to design-based activities, aimed at defining new forms of communication,management, promotion and enhancement of this heritage.

In particular, the specific educational objectivesof the Master include:

  • Understanding the artistic product and promoting project innovation in the fields of art, design and cultural heritage.
  • Develop communication skills and visual design to enhance art and cultural heritage.
  • Applying strategic approaches such as design thinking and future thinking to address current and future challenges.
  • Acquire specific management and promotions kills for valorisation of cultural heritage.
  • Integrateprinciples of sustainability in the design and enhancement of cultural heritage.

Title Released

At the end of the course, upon passing the final exam, will be awarded the degree of University Master of I level in “Design, Art and Space”.

Employment Opportunities

The Master in Design, Art and Space aims to form professional figures that respond to what IBM calls “T-Shaped skills“, i.e. a combination of breadth of knowledgeand depth of understanding.

It therefore aims to train professionals who have specific skills in the field of Design (mainly declined in Spaces, Product and Communication), ability to read the changes (in terms of behavior and needs) of contemporary society, in order to activate, in planning terms, actions in support of the cultural and artistic heritage, also in urban areas.

The Master is aimed at professionals in the sector in possession of a Bachelor degree and/or Master’s degree (or equivalent foreign qualification) who are interested in entering and working within design-oriented enterprises engaged in the fields of art and management and enhancement of cultural heritage. The Master intends to provide participants with the planning and organizational tools related to creative processes in the field of Design.



The Specializing Master is address to candidates having a Bachelor of Master’s degree in Interior Design, Product Design, Architecture, Fine Arts. For candidates having titles achieved abroad equivalent degrees will be evaluated. The selection will be by the Master Committee.


Applications must be submitted by February 1st, 2024.


Current edition

Alessandro Biamonti Scientific Director
Maria Rita Canina Vice Director
Lorenzo Morganti Scientific board