Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
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Specializing Master

Fundamentals of the air transport system

With the patronage of Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile - ENAC

The Specializing Master in Fundamentals of the air transport system allows to develop a complete knowledge of the air transport system in its multiple aspects, through a structured theoretical approach suitable for engineers.



The air transport system is an inherently multidisciplinary field, where technical and organizational skills are needed to face both normal operation and developmental programs.

Today, commercial aviation is experiencing a significant growth at a global level. All major players in the system, including airlines, handling and airport management companies, as well as regulators and supervisory agencies, will need to cope with this trend, relying on highly skilled professionals with an excellent technical qualification in aeronautics and a deep knowledge of the processes typical to the air transport system, from the global picture to the innermost components.

The Master course is supported by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC).


Giuseppe Sala Scientific Director
Carlo E. D. Riboldi Vice Director



Attendance is compulsory for at least 75 per cent of the programme activities.

Training objectives

The air transport system is an inherently multidisciplinary field, where technical and managing skills are needed to face both normaland emergencial operations.

It has experienced a significant growth in recent years. Covid-19pandemic strongly impacted the situation, anyway the air transport system has demonstrated resilience in many fields, and recovering is in sight. The future will not be a replication of the past. New ways shall be followed.

All major players in the system, including airlines, handling and airport management companies, as well as regulators and supervisory agencies, will need to cope with this trend, relying on highly skilled professionals with an excellent technical qualification in aeronautics and a deep knowledge of the processes typical to the air transport system, from the global picture to the inner most components.

The Master Course will allow the participants to develop a complete knowledge of the air transport system in its multiple aspects, by means of a structured theoretical approach well suited for engineers, followed by a practical internship period of a minimum of 4 months in a qualified organization, with the tuition of experienced industry staff.

At the end of the Course, the participants will have gained a good familiarity with the field of the air transport, which will constitute a primary asset for a successful job application in the field, easing their transition from the academic world to the job market.


Didactic Plan

From 30/01/23 to 24/3/23: foundation courses, i.e. teaching activities on introductory topics, to fill curricular gaps. Not associated with any CFU.

From 27/3/23: didactic activities with associated CFU for all students, according to the following plan:

Teaching activities (40 CFU)
Module 0: General Abilities
Module 1: Civil Aviation System
Module2: Cybersecurity
Module 3: Quality Assurance and Compliance Monitoring
Module 4: Safety Management System
Module 5: Accident Investigation
Module 6: Human Factors and Psychological Aspects
Module 7: Emergency Management
Module 8: Airport Capacity
Module 9: Airport Management System
Module10: Air Transport Company
Module 11:Continued airworthiness, Maintenance and Engineering

Four months internship (10 CFU)

Individual activities (10 CFU)

Title Released

The “Fundamentals of the Air Transport System” first-level Specialising Master’s Diploma will be awarded in English.

Employment Opportunities

Fields of working opportunities:

  • Airlines: Operations Planning, Airworthiness Activities
  • Air Operators: Helicopter Operators, Bizjets Operators
  • Airports: Airport Landside and Airside Management, Airport Facilities
  • Management Regulatory Bodies: ENAC, EASA, Eurocontrol, others.



A Bachelor (Laurea) or Master of Science (Laurea magistrale/specialistica) in engineering or science is required. For international applicants, the equivalent qualifications of the respective university systems will be considered.

The Admission Board will select the students to be admitted by means of CV evaluation and oral examination.

Admission exams will take place in chronological order, until end of available places.


To participate in the selections you must fill out the online application form by April 19, 2023.


Total cost of the Specializing Master: 8,000 €, divided into:

  • 500 € for the registration fee
  • 7.500 € for the participation fee offers the community of Politecnico di Milano a 50% discount to be applied to the participation fee for a I and II level Specializing Master or Higher Education Course / Post Graduate Program / Continuing Education Course which manages and provides. The discount is for internal staff (i.e., structured teachers and technical and administrative staff) with active contracts at Politecnico di Milano and members of their household.


To benefit from the discount you will need to:

  • send the selection application to the chosen course with the relevant required documents;
  • successfully pass the selections;
  • send a copy of the applicant’s family status.


Current edition

Giuseppe Sala Scientific Director
Carlo E. D. Riboldi Vice Director