Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
Activating design knowledge by generating value for companies and institutions is the goal of these paths. Training and applied research are oriented towards understanding new market and consumer demands, to create innovation.
Active Learning projects transfer the design knowledge ecosystem of the Politecnico di Milano within companies and institutions. Defining active learning interventions (or: learning by doing paths) tailored to the shared objectives in the briefing phase.
Knowledge Transfer is the process activated by these paths, with the aim of involving company teams in the acquisition of an aptitude for design as an effective lever for creating value for the company.
Design Advisory is the phase of strategic approach to the project: design coaching activities aimed at establishing a bridge between the client’s objectives and the culture and academic research of
The areas of intervention of the training activity involve all aspects of design: the analysis of markets and trends, the inclusion of design in corporate processes and strategies, the practices of involving internal and external personnel in the creation of value, the techniques for generating new product and market ideas.