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Job Position


Academic and Office Assistant

Academic and Office Assistant

Tradition and innovation, quality and ability to connect with the professional world are the cornerstones that have made since 1999 one of the reference companies at an international level for post-graduate training.

Together with the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano and the Department of Design, forms the Design System of the Politecnico, an aggregate of resources, skills, structures and laboratories, among the most important in the world. is the post-graduate school in Design of the Politecnico di Milano that supports and completes the curricular paths of the School of Design, aiming at professional training and an effective insertion in the many areas of work in which the designer operates today.

It plays a hinge role between universities, businesses, organizations and institutions and professional worlds, operating in the perspective of internationalization and establishing partnerships with universities, schools, organizations, institutions, companies and companies from time to time.

• Walk-in office hours / office coverage as needed: phones, student inquires & general assistance.
• Processing FIT and PoliMI academic records: i.e. rosters, add/drop, transcripts
• Processing immigration documents, assisting students in this area: Visa/Questura letters, official documents, Permit of Stay applications and renewal where applicable.
• Creation of public call (bandi) requests for the FIT faculty and orientation contracts, liaison to Polimi administration for all follow up and processing. Set up all appointments for interviews and communication related to these events
• Booking of classrooms, laboratories, lab safety tests, and preparation of schedules and liaison to Polimi Administration for processing in this area.
• Assistance in set up and processing of contracts for 4th year internships: liaison to the PoliMI internship office, assistance related to the immigration Permit of Stay
• Assisting students with the pre-matriculation, matriculation and registration for the PoliMi system
• Regular communication with faculty and students via email/phone: all academic announcements, room and class changes
• Liaison between FIT matters to various offices at the PoliMI i.e. logistics, students services, international office, housing offices, legal and bookkeeping.
• Travel bookings related to visiting administration and faculty
• Assistance with programming, orientation, orientation booklet
• Assistance with student housing during orientation and follow up as needed.
• Assistance with outreach for donations and industry visits
• Assistance to the Resident Coordinator as needed

Education & Skills:
Master degree;
Experience in the international sector;
Proficiency in English;
Suite Office: proficiency

Place of work: Milan
Weekly commitment: Full time – 40 hours per week in presence.
Type of contract: Temporary contract
Search aimed at candidates of both sexes (L. 903/77), please include authorization to use sensitive data according to current privacy regulations (art. 13, D.Lgs. 196/03).

Application deadline 10 December 2021
interested parties may send their applications by e-mail to the following address

Please note: the information below must be attached together with the Curriculum Vitae. CVs sent will not be taken into consideration unless accompanied by this privacy statement.

Job Position



International Area


Tutor Specializing Master in Service Design of – Politecnico di Milano: area Formazione S.c.r.l.
