Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
For the next Salone del Mobile, as for the previous editions, the Polimi Design System has decided to promote a series of events in the Bovisa Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, natural location for the Design System in the Fuori Salone programme. Moreover, this year it will be present with its own space in the Fair together with the most important Milanese Design schools.
In particular, the whole Building 2 of the campus will once again host a major exhibition of educational projects coming from all the Polimi Design System:, the School of Design and the Design Department.
The exhibition will be a showcase highlighting the many areas of design: from industrial products to fashion, interior design and furnishing communication, services and brand, transportation and engineering.
This major exhibition will host a selection of projects (tables, models or prototypes, movies, books, dissertations, etc.) from educational courses; completed projects both individually or in groups of students.
Participation is open to all students and former students who wish to submit projects that they consider appropriate and worthy of this occasion, either freely or with the support of their teachers. We invite teachers to collaborate with a careful pre-selection and to direct the best projects to participate in the selection. We accept all works from courses during the closing semester, the courses held in previous years or final projects (thesis projects).
To take part in the selection it is necessary to present a table printed in A2 format which, in a summarized way, will include the data of students, teachers and reference of the course in which you developed the project. It is important to note that this board will not be displayed but will have the goal of communicating the quality of the project and highlight the characteristics of the material that could potentially be exposed. Are warmly expected: miniature tables, latest photos of the model / prototypes, some frames of movies, photo books, etc. If the video content of the project will be of particular importance, it is advisable to indicate in the A2 table also the corresponding link for viewing it (youtube or drive).
In the table you are asked to indicate to which theme proposed by the New European Bauhaus the project is related:
BEAUTIFUL: aesthetics, quality of experience and style, beyond functionality
SUSTAINABLE: sustainability, from climate goals, to circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
TOGETHER: inclusion, from valuing diversity, to securing accessibility and affordability
The A2 table in PDF format, with a maximum size of 5 mb, paged using the format provided, must be uploaded using the form available at the following link, by Sunday 10 April 2022, the deadline for proposals.
The PDF file must be named as follows: nomereferente_cognomereferente_codicepersonareferente.pdf (e.g. Giuseppe_Garibaldi_10008899.pdf)
Any video file, with a maximum size of 10 mb, accompanying the table should be named as follows: nomereferente_cognomereferente_codicepersonareferente_video1.mp4 (e.g. Giuseppe_Garibaldi_10008899_video1.mp4)
The outcome of the selected projects will be announced by 26 April 2022.
On 26th May 2022, from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., the referents of the selected groups will have to bring the material to be exhibited (agreed with the exhibition organisers). According to the organisers’ criteria, participants may be asked to layout the tables and contents of the exhibition in formats different from the original ones.
The exhibition, promoted in the most important FuoriSalone guides, will run from 27 May 2022 to 22 July 2022 and each project on display will carry a caption with the name of the student(s), the name of the teacher(s) and the name of the course in which it was conceived.
The jury will be composed of professors of different areas of Design (appointed by the Dean of the School) and of the organizers of the exhibition. Finally note that this is not a competition but an exhibition selection, thus the selection criteria will be based also on the quality of the works to be exhibited, respecting the heterogeneity and multi-disciplinary approach that characterize the Design education at the Politecnico di Milano.