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This year AIPI, the Italian Association of Professional Interior Designers, will host the event of international importance of ECIA – European Council of Interior Architects – in Florence on September 23-24-25. With the BCSP (Building Connections for a Stronger Profession) program funded by the European community, the ECIA association is today the European and world reference point for the interior design sector, which represents for Italy one of its most important and growing fields.
The ECIA ’22 event with the General Assembly and panel discussions will trace the 30-year history of the European Association, starting with its founding in 1992 and the first Congress held in Barcelona in 1996, with the title “EUROPE HABITABLE,” coming to the present day.
This event will also be an opportunity to celebrate, with a gala evening, the 30th anniversary of the founding of ECIA, which witnessed the association as Co-founding Members back in 1992.
Protagonist theme of these days will be the profession of Interior Designer, which, as told by the words of ECIA founding fathers and current protagonists of world architecture and interior design, is today made of professionalism, education, creativity, answers, and represents a vehicle of new knowledge, cultures, emotions, ways of being and living, with cultural, economic, creative and social value.
Speakers at the panel discussions scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 24, starting at 3 p.m. will include Matteo O. Ingaramo, Chairman of, and Francesco Scullica, Full Professor at the Politecnico di Milano and Scientific Director of the Specializing Master in Interior Design at the Politecnico di Milano, managed by
At the Sala degli Specchi of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, together with them and with the moderation of Francesca Russo – DDN Design Diffusion news Milano, several industry representatives from international backgrounds will discuss the world of interior design and the profession of interior architecture, such as Martin Thörnblom – President ECIA – European Council Interior Architects, Antonio D. De Antonis – President AIPI Associazione Italiana Interior Designers, Shashi Caan and Emrah Kaymak, respectively CEO and President IFI International Fed. Interior Architects (USA). Also present the Professors Albert Fuster Martí – ELISAVA University Barcelona (ES), Graeme Brooker – Royal College of Art London (UK), and Dominic Haag-Walthert – HSLU University Lucern School of Art and Design (CH).