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Prof. Matteo O. Ingaramo GDIO appointed as Vice President, following the approval of the “Charter of Global Design Industry”.
From Oct. 14 to Nov. 25, 2020, during the First GDIO Council Meeting, GDIO members reviewed and approved the “Charter of Global Design Industry”, and appointing the Design System of the Politecnico di Milano as Vice President Unit of GDIO, represented by Prof. Matteo O. Ingaramo as GDIO Vice President of GDIO and with the participation of Marinella Ferrara as GDIO Council Members.
Global Design Industry Organization (GDIO) is jointly launched by participants of World Industrial Design Conference (WIDC). After continuous proposals and discussions at each WIDC roundtable summit from 2016 to 2019, GDIO was officially established by the representatives from all over the world at the WIDC2019 Roundtable Summit.
Launched by design organizations, institutions, universities, and enterprises from over 40 countries and regions, GDIO aims to boost the development of the design industry around the world. It strives to fully exert the creativity and leadership of the industrial design, to promote the design industry as a powerful engine for economic and social development, to promote the prosperity, and to protect the earth.
During 2020, despite the great challenges brought by COVID-19, GDIO has made great strides by requesting a worldwide intervention to examine and approve the “Charter of the global organization of the design sector”, thus establishing the first Council. As of November 2020, the 4th WIDC was held so successfully in Yantai, China, and many GDIO members attended the online conference.
For more information, visit the GDIO website.