Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
Thanks to Daniela Molinaroli‘s generous donation, the call in memory of Engineer Giorgio Gamberini is officially open, offering three 25% partial exemptions for enrolment in the Specializing Master in Furniture Design, managed by and starting on November 2021. The paintings that the Engineer, as a passionate painter, made during his life were the useful tool to give life to the initiative, as Daniela Molinaroli states, wants to be a celebration of the passions for design and art that accompanied him during his life, and also a project of support and motivation for young people:
“GIORGIO is the love of my life, and that is what I am for him too.
When he left me ‘physically’ alone last year, I realised that, in some part through messages from the many friends who were truly grief-stricken, although we were two individuals with our own well-defined personalities, we have always been a couple and, as such, have lived our lives truly for each other over 50 wonderful years. We were in high school, 15 and 16 years old, when we fell in love and never left each other. Ours has been a good life, with joys and sorrows shared by everyone, but with the optimism of those who know they are loved.
Giorgio represents irony, kindness, intelligence, lightness, the ability to make complex situations simple without ever taking himself too seriously.
For him, what is new is life, a continuous experience from which he constantly drew skills and lessons.
The day after we parted, I thought about what the best way would be to keep his memory alive, a way to celebrate his passion for life, for art, for design, for the young and for all that we lived and dreamed about together.
Gradually, the project took shape, thanks in part to the many friends who remembered him on social networks by posting his paintings and to others who asked to buy them. His paintings represented a way for three young people to enrich their knowledge and follow their passions by financing a Master’s degree in Furniture Design at in Milan.
The master’s degree is firmly rooted in the “Italian model” of the relationship between business and design, but, at the same time, aims to develop new knowledge to support the innovation needed to meet the challenges posed by technological, social and market changes.
These were all issues that Giorgio held deeply dear, that we shared throughout our lives and will continue to do so.”
His beloved wife, Daniela Molinaroli
Click here to download the regulation and discover how to apply no later than October 6th, 2021.
BIO – Giorgio Gamberini
Giorgio Gamberini was born in Sacile (PN) to a Friulian mother and a father from Bologna, an Army officer stationed in Friuli. He spent his early childhood there, and when his father moved, he lived in Rome, which for him remained the most beautiful city in the world, before settling in Piacenza in the early 1960s.
After graduating in Mechanical Engineering in 1979 from the Politecnico di Milano and completing his military service as a Cavalry Artillery Officer in Milan, he became a designer of flexible production systems for the Mandelli mechatronics company, opening the American branch in Detroit.
Despite being a profoundly international person, he decided to return to Italy so as not to abandon its beauty, not least of all its artistic beauty.
His travel stories always fascinated his listeners because they conveyed the customs and traditions of different cultures through his witty and curious eyes.
As Foster’s General Manager, he continued to travel the world, from Europe and the Far East to China and Australia, bringing home new business, new experiences, new light, new colours and new ideas.
Everything that had once been pure pleasure also became a career.
He loved to say that his very first works began when he was 6 years old on the terrace of his house in Rome.
How much work, how much passion, how many colours, how much contemplation, how much creative fury and how much waiting, when he would sit and stare at one of his paintings with a rapt air to find its continuation. At the same time, in his workshop, he experimented with small and large prototypes: stools, lamps, coat racks and empty pockets, tables and small kitchens on wheels, ever with the lightness that sets him apart.
He put his design skills to good use with his knowledge of materials while still pursuing his creative streak.
He loved young people, those capable of pursuing their passions in the world. We never had any children ourselves, but we are happy to dedicate our time to the children of others: grandchildren and children of friends came to him, to us, for advice on studies, work and family or relationship problems, he advised them without ever forcing their choices with his innate ability to live and let live, always lucid and sometimes even sharp in his judgements on people, but appreciating their positive qualities and being loved for this.