Open Day 2025 | An opportunity to discover’s Specializing Masters and Advanced Training Courses
Las week had the pleasure to welcome a Chinese delegation of executives and professionals from Newton Business School, one of the most renowed Fashion Management Institute in Asia.
During their educational experience in Milan, they had the chance to follow lectures focussing on Fashion Design Management held by the members of faculty, and attend a Retail Marketing Experience for Premium Sector visiting some of the main hotspots of the city, under the expert guidance of Professor Marta Conconi.
In particular, the themes investigated during the lectures referred to Premium Design Managment, thanks to the contribution of Professor Lorenzo Morganti, Strategic Design and Business Innovation, supervised by Professor Gianluca Carella, Product Design and Branding, held by Professor Matteo Ingaramo and Professor Marco Turinetto, Fashion Design and Communication, carried on by Professor Giovanni Conti, Inclusive Design and Product Design, thanks to the expertise of Professor Giulio Ceppi, User Experience and Service Design, managed by Professor Venanzio Arquilla and Innovation Management, covered by Professor Emilio Bellini.
The course ended on July 21 with a Graduation Ceremony attended by Anna Barbara, Chairwoman of
Thanks to this collaboration, had the chance promote the Italian Design Culture in China and strengthen the relationship with one of the most emerging cultures in the world. As a result, and Newton Business School signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to keep increasing the value of Design and fostering virtuous relationships with the most relevant institutions across the globe.