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Alessandra Gatti

Direttore Scientifico nel Corso Executive Lavoro Ibrido: scenari, tecnologie, team e spazi


Design for Human Resources

II edition
  • Italian
  • May 2025


Alessandra Gatti – Director of HR School, Talent Garden

Director della Scuola a tema HR di Talent Garden e responsabile del Career Service, si occupa di coordinare i percorsi a tema HR con l’obiettivo di mettere gli strumenti del digitale a servizio dell’employee experience.

In precedenza ha lavorato come Consulente di Carriera e come Recruiter, oltre che come responsabile di bandi pubblici. Ha una laurea in Science Politiche con una specializzazione in Cooperazione Internazionale e Project Management.

Director of the HR School of Talent Garden and Head of Career Service, she coordinates courses for HRs with the goal of using the main tools of the digital world to reinforce and empower the employee experience.
Previously, she worked as Career Counselor and Recruiter and as public funds expert. She has a degree in Political Science with a specialization in International Cooperation and Project management.
