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Giovanni Dotelli


Design for Sustainability and Regeneration

II edition
  • English
  • November 2025


Giovanni Dotelli graduated in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, where he also earned a PhD in Materials Engineering.
He currently serves as Full Professor at the DCMC Department of Politecnico di Milano, where he leads the Mat4En2 (Materials for Energy and Environment) research group ( He is currently serving as coordinator of the study course in “Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology”. Research activities include synthesis and characterization (1) of materials for electrochemical devices (e.g. fuel cells, elctrolysers, etc. ), (2) of natural and bio-based building materials (e.g. earth-based, hemp-based, etc.), (3) of sorbent materials from wastes and by-products for environmental and food/feed technologies (wastewater treatment, drug release, animal feed, etc. ), as well as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), circularity indicators and more generally sustainability assessment. He has co-authored more than 350 publications, around 200 of which in ISI-rated and SCOPUS-rated journals (as of July 2024).
He has a consolidated experience in teaching LCA, indeed he regularly teaches at Politecnico di Milano these courses, among others, “Life Cycle Assessment of materials and processes”, “Materials towards circular economy”, “Sustainable materials for architecture” and is member of the team of teachers at the PhD School course in “Sustainability metrics, Life Cycle Assessment and environmental footprint”.
