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Marco Ronchi

CEO di Twig


Digital Strategy and Processes for Innovation

XII edition
  • Italian
  • October 2025

Brand Communication

XXV edition
  • Italian
  • October 2025


Strategic designer e consulente in trasformazione d’impresa, dal 2008 si occupa di design strategico, marketing e comunicazione in pubbliche amministrazioni, organizzazioni non governative, multinazionali e PMI.

Nel 2010 è co-founder dell’agenzia digitale Greylab, di cui rimane socio fino al 2014 quando fonda Twig, realtà di consulenza in design strategico con diversi casi di successo nell’industria energetica, dei trasporti, delle scienze della vita e nella pubblica amministrazione. Nel 2024 diventa CEO di HealthCom Consulting, agenzia di comunicazione con oltre 25 anni di esperienza in market access, public affair e pubblic relation per il mercato farmaceutico. Docente presso la Scuola del Design del Politecnico di Milano dal 2011, nel 2012 entra nella faculty del Master in Brand Communication e del Master in Social Network Influence Design. Nel 2015 è co-founder e per i primi tre anni direttore tecnico del Master in Design the Digital Strategy, per poi promuovere in qualità di Senior Advisor lo sviluppo delle relazioni tra, il mercato e la direzione dei prodotti formativi di cui è consulente.

Da sempre interessato all’inserimento e all’impatto delle nuove tecnologie sulla cultura e sui processi organizzativi, negli anni ha indagato la relazione tra design, innovazione e complessità promuovendo il design thinking come metodologia strategica capace di mediare tra culture differenti e di offrire soluzioni contemporanee, efficaci e sostenibili.



Strategic designer and business transformation consultant, since 2008 he has been involved in strategic design, marketing and communication in public administrations, nongovernmental organizations, multinationals and SMEs. In 2010 he co-founded the digital agency Greylab, where he remained managing partner until 2014 when he founded Twig, a strategic design consultancy with different success stories in energy, transportation, life sciences and public administration industries. In 2024 he became CEO of HealthCom Consulting, a communications agency with more than 25 years of experience in market access, public affair and public relations for the healthcare market.

Adjunct professor at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano since 2011, in 2012 he joined the faculty of the Master in Brand Communication and the Master in Social Network Influence Design. In 2015, he was co-founder and for the first three years Technical Director of the Master in Design the Digital Strategy; in the next years, he promoted as Senior Advisor the development of the relationships between, the market and the direction of the educational products to which he is a consultant.

As an independent researcher, he has always been interested in the integration and impact of new technologies on organizational culture and processes, and over the years he has explored the relationship between design, innovation and complexity, promoting design thinking as a strategic methodology that can mediate between different cultures and offer contemporary, effective and sustainable solutions.
