EARLY BIRD 10% for enrollment in Specializing Masters and Executive Courses starting in the next months
Discover more

Fashion Design

Tradition, research and vision.

A complete training strongly linked to the made in Italy culture and able to analyze in detail the different areas of the fashion sector.


Design for Fashion Retail

  • English

Fashion Tech - From active to interactive fashion, sportswear and lifestyle design

  • English

Premium Design Management

  • English
In partnership with
POLIMI Graduate School of Management

Fashion Accessories & Jewellery: Design, Management & Communication

  • English

Corsi di Alta formazione

Sino Italy International Fashion Master Classes

  • English

The management of Luxury, The experiential communication and The Italian design and fashion

  • English

Innovative Fashion Design and Apparel Manufacture in Italy

  • Italian

Made in Italy and 4.0 Industry

  • English

How to Apply

Find out how to submit your application for admission to the Specializing Masters and Courses, which documents to send and how to register.


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