EARLY BIRD 10% per iscrizioni ai Master Universitari e Corsi Executive in partenza nei prossimi mesi
Lombardies was an exhibition promoted by Unioncamere Lombardia and realized by during EXPO 2015 which has proposed different visions of the Region of Lombardy along with a cultural and historical itinerary and leading to a series of projections examining what is going on today in its territories, looking especially towards the future and towards the new forms of entrepreneurship. The space of the exhibition was organized to provide a representative synthesis of the values of a plurality of communities and of their different physical, social and productive environments, going well beyond boundaries and administrative forms as they are given today, which in any case are currently undergoing a phase of rapid mutation. Every region has its own strong points. The dimensions of their variety, multiplicity and proximity within a territory filled with history, knowledge and practices are representative of as many distinctive traits of the region’s identity, determining its incomparable uniqueness.