Friday, May 3rd 2024 at 18.00 @, Bovisa Tech, entrance via Morghen 8
“Product discovery” is the process of identifying and validating opportunities to create or improve digital products, focusing on user needs, market trends, and tech possibilities. It aims to align products with user expectations and business goals, contributing to company success. Continuously run, it’s the lifeblood of competitive digital products.
We will investigate such a process with the case studies brought by (a product company) and Belka (a design studio).
Christian Di Paola, UX Product Designer
Gianluca Lacedonio, Senior Product Manager
Sara Fazzini, Design Manager
Giulio Michelon, CEO & CO-founder
— WHEN — Friday May 3rd, 6pm
+ Aperitivo
@, Bovisa Tech, entrance via Morghen 8
The Experience Design Academy is the center of applied research of dedicated to the User Experience in both digital and physical domains. A center for training, coaching and applied research for companies and institutions. A polytechnical approach that allows a deep thinking and a design mindfullness to propose several hypotheses and to verify their effectiveness, in an iterative process.
Registration for the Master and Courses is now open:
Il report sullo stato del design in Italia: mercoledì 2 aprile (ore 11:00), la presentazione aperta al pubblico all’ADI Design Museum a Milano.
UX Talk #39 – Design Leadership
Una discussione aperta su ruoli, competenze e buone pratiche con cui abilitare un approccio human-centered all’interno delle organizzazioni
AI4GOV-X: the project and kick-off at Politecnico di Milano
È il momento di costruire il futuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale per la governance pubblica. AI4Gov Accelerate, dal kick-off meeting al Politecnico di Milano ai prossimi step del progetto.