Open Day 2025 | Un’occasione per scoprire i Master e i Corsi di Perfezionamento di
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EARLY BIRD 10% per iscrizioni ai Master Universitari e Corsi Executive in partenza nei prossimi mesi
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  • Business Design

Design Management for Innovative Environments

In collaboration with GSoM Graduate School of Business, Tongji University-Shanghai

5 dic. 2024 - 31 gen. 2026


The Specializing Master, which will be held partly in China and partly in Italy is organized in collaboration with GSoM – POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Shanghai Tongji Study Abroad Services Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Fine Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

The Specializing Master is aimed at professional graduates who intend to specialize in interior design with a particular attention to Made in Italy products, materials, finishing and accessorizes for the interiors. The course will give a first introduction to the main concepts of design driven innovation, project management and strategic design, and it will be critical, training, and professionalizing, it will deal with the methodological complexity of the project.


The Scientific Committee of the Specializing Master is composed as follows:

  • Prof. Francesco Scullica – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giuliano Simonelli – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Luisa Maria Virginia Collina – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giuliano Noci – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Roberto Verganti – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Matteo Oreste Ingaramo – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giulia Maria Gerosa – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Elena Mariele Elgani – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Angela Pia Mazzotti – Politecnico di Milano.


Angela Pia Mazzotti Vice-director


Obiettivi Formativi

The Specializing Master in Design Management for Innovative Environments is primarily aimed at students graduates of Chinese nationality.
The Specializing Master takes place in China at the headquarters of the University Tongji University, Shanghai and in Italy at the headquarters of in Milan.

Piano Didattico

The Specializing Master will give a first introduction to the main concepts of design driven innovation, project management and strategic design, and it will be critical, training, and professionalizing, it will deal with the methodological complexity of the project.

Moduli Didattici

The teaching modules are:

Design management and brand strategy;
Innovation management and design processes;
Luxury design management for interior design;
Lighting design;
BIM – Building information modeling;
Brand Management;
Smart Environments;
Project management for interior design:
WS 1 Milan design system;
WS 2 Milan design system;
New Office Style: Innovation on Office Design;
Sustainability for Innovative Environments;
Luxury and Wellness.

Titolo Rilasciato

After completing the course and on passing the final exam, the 1st level Master “EXECUTIVE MASTER OF DESIGN MANAGEMENT FOR INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTS” certification will be issued.



The application can be processed on the website of Politecncio di Milano by following the steps mentioned from page 1 to page 8 Manuale_iscrizione_online_studenti POLIMI__ENG. By clicking on the following link you will find yourself directly in the same page shown on page n.2 of the attached guidelines.

The enrolment at the Specializing Master requires a Bachelor of Science degree, or a Master of Science degree in Industrial Design, Architecture and Engineering or, in alternative, an equivalent qualification. For those who graduated not in Italy, equivalent study titles can be valid only if recognized in the respective course of studies.

The selection is in charge of Master Commission.

Italian/foreign citizens with Degree obtained in Italy
A copy of the student’s identity document
Copy of the Diploma Supplement or copy of the Diploma and Academic qualifications, indicating the marks obtained in each examination, for the students with a University Degree obtained under the old educational system.
Curriculum Vitae

Italian/EU citizens with foreign Degree
Photocopy of the academic certificate plus to certificate detailing the marks obtained for each examination, or the Diploma Supplement (upon enrolment, the Declaration of Value from the local Italian Diplomatic authorities must be submitted, or an Official document issued by ENIC/NARIC centers).
A copy of the student’s identity document.
Curriculum Vitae

Non-EU citizens residing abroad
Non-EU citizens residing abroad must submit to the Managing office of the Specializing Master the following documents:
a Scan copy of the original University Degree achieved and related translation in Italian/English/French or Spanish
a scan copy of the official University transcripts and related translation in Italian/English/French or Spanish or the Diploma Supplement
Copy of the passport, demonstrating citizenship
Curriculum Vitae


The applications can be submitted from the day following the date of this Decree and within the October 31th, 2024.


The total cost of the course is equal to € 8,500
The cost is split into:
Contribution for enrolment in the Politecnico di Milano – € 500 for student
Master tuition fees – € 8,000 for student


The Scientific Committee of the Specializing Master is composed as follows:

  • Prof. Francesco Scullica – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giuliano Simonelli – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Luisa Maria Virginia Collina – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giuliano Noci – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Roberto Verganti – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Matteo Oreste Ingaramo – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Giulia Maria Gerosa – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Elena Mariele Elgani – Politecnico di Milano;
  • Prof. Angela Pia Mazzotti – Politecnico di Milano.

Edizione attuale


Angela Pia Mazzotti Vice-director