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Arianna Bionda


Yacht Design

XXV edizione
  • Inglese
  • febbraio 2026

Executive Interior Yacht Design

III edizione
  • Italiano
  • ottobre 2025


Arianna Bionda, PhD in Design, is a researcher at the Department of Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, and an Adjunct Professor at the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano.

Architect, sailor and yacht designer, since 2014 she is involved in teaching and research activities within the interdisciplinary research group in Yacht Design and Vessel Design, the SMaRT Lab, and the Master program in Yacht Design at Politecnico di Milano. Her research activities are mainly focus on innovative technologies and materials role in a yacht design project, their current dynamics and practices of interaction.

She is also involved in national and international research activity mainly focused on Yacht Design Digitalization and Design for Sustainability: Industry 4.0, digital technologies onboard, smart shipbuilding, design for sustainable material and technology, design for circular economy, design for disassembly and for recycling, design for sustainable social innovation and sustainable business model, and design4all. Furthermore, she is adjunct professor for the Interior Yacht Design Course, vice-director of the Specialized Master in Yacht Design and Project Manager of the sports&design team ‘Polimi Sailing Team’.
