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Dario Mangano


Design for Food

IV edizione
  • Inglese
  • ottobre 2025


Ph. D. in Industrial Design, Figurative and Applied Arts, is associate professor of Semiotics at the University of Palermo where he teaches Semiotics, Semiotics of design and Brand Semiotics. He is also director of the Laboratory of Communication of the Cultures and Societies Department. His main research interests include design, food and photography. Among his books: Ikea e altre semiosfere (Ikea and Others Semiospheres) (Mimesis, 2019), Che cos’è la semiotica della fotografia (What Semiotics of Photography is) (Carocci, 2018) Che cos’è il food design (What Food Design is) (Carocci, 2014), Semiotica e design (Semiotics and Design) (Carocci, 2008). He has also edited with Ilaria Ventura Bordenca a reader of Bruno Latour writings entitled Politiche del design (Politics of Design) (Mimesis 2021) recently.
