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Davide Ruzzon


Neuroscience and Design

II edizione
  • Inglese
  • febbraio 2025


Davide Ruzzon è Architetto e Direttore di TA Tuning Architecture, a Milano, team impegnato nell’applicazione delle neuroscienze alla progettazione di edifici pubblici e privati, di  spazi urbani. Giunto alla sua sesta edizione, è fondatore e direttore di NAAD, ‘Neuroscience Applied to Architectural Design’, corso annuale post-laurea presso l’Università IUAV di Venezia. Questo percorso coinvolge neuroscienziati, studiosi, professionisti, architetti, e psicologi di tutto il mondo, in un percorso multidisciplinare orientato ad una progettazione science-based, in grado di fondere scienze umane ed architettura. Davide è direttore e co-fondatore della nuova rivista di architettura Intertwining, giunta al terzo numero, e curatore della sezione speciale ‘neuroscienze e architettura’ de Il Giornale dell’Architettura. Dal 2023 è parte del Comitato Scientifico della Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture a San Diego, California. Ha scritto libri (il più recente è Tuning Architecture with Humans, 2022 Mimesis International) e articoli, curato raccolte di saggi e organizzato seminari e conferenze. Ha inoltre realizzato edifici pubblici e privati, ​​e partecipato a competizioni internazionali di progettazione.



In 2017 he is the founder and the Scientific Director of the NAAD Postgraduate Master, at the Iuav University of Venice, and from 2024, within POLIdesign by Politecnico in Milan, of the course ‘Neuroscience and Design’. From April 2023, he is Advisory Council member od Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture in San Diego.

He began his professional activity in 1994, and 2000 he established TA, a multidisciplinary firm settled in the Euganei Hills, but now operating in Milan, focusing its operative reach on neuroscience applied to architectural design. In 1993, among the activities promoted by The Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies of Naples, through its Venetian office, he conceived and organized seminars and workshops about contemporary architecture, together with Roberto Masiero and Margherita Petranzan. In 1998, he published, with Massimo Donà, the acts of a Congress about the relationship between architecture and philosophy. Later in 2000, he pays homage to Angelo Polesello, architect and Franciscan Father, collecting into a volume some essays wrote about the friar’s works. In 2002, he founded and directed TArch web magazine, to which contribute Vittorio Gregotti, Bernardo Secchi, Roberto Masiero, Marco Biraghi and Sergio Poretti, among several others architects and professors. In 2010, he became part of the editorial staff of Anfione Zeto magazine, edited of Margherita Petranzan. In 2011, he had a collaboration with Politecnico University in Milan, at the “Elements for Critic the Contemporary Architecture.” In 2013, he published “The architecture of the differences” and promoted a Conference in Venice around “Questions of Perception”, the book wrote by Steve Holl, Juhani Pallasmaa and Alberto Perez-Gomez, in 1993. Two years later, he wrote with Vittorio Gallese Tuned Architecture an essay about the concept of embodiment in architecture. In 2022 he published the book “Tuning Architecture with Humans”, Mimesis International.
