Femke Coops is a design researcher based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on ‘designing spaces for letting go in sustainability transitions’ where she aims to explore the emotional dynamics of letting go (and phase out) in sustainability transitions and tries to actively create (physical) space to engage with these emotions. In her work she is very much interested in concepts from design research, transitions research, feminist theory and (auto)ethnography. She is associated with the Eindhoven University of Technology as an (external) PhD candidate.
In the past years Femke has been part of different (research) projects where she brought design and transitions research together and worked on connecting pasts, presents and futures (e.g., https://imagine.oslomet.no/exhibition/)
Additionally, Femke is Research Lead at De Publieke Ontwerppraktijk (PONT), a program that develops the knowledge, organisational culture and infrastructure to make a design-based approach more compatible with government.