Open Day 2025 | Un’occasione per scoprire i Master e i Corsi di Perfezionamento di
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EARLY BIRD 10% per iscrizioni ai Master Universitari e Corsi Executive in partenza nei prossimi mesi
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Franco Fassio


Systemic Designer and PhD in Design, Associate Professor at the University of Gastronomic Science of Pollenzo (UNISG), Executive Director UNISG’s Sustainability and circular economy laboratory, Delegate for University Sustainability Policies (RUS and AsviS) and for Relations with Companies (UNISG Network), member of the permanent Design ADI Observatory (Food Design). Professor of Gastronomic Design Science, EcoDesign, Food Packaging, Company Creation, Systemic Design, Circular Economy for Food.
UNISG Project Manager for the H2020 Innovation Action named “FUSILLI – Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation” and the EU research Life Foster “Training, education and communication to reduce food waste in the food service industry”. He is also Circular Economy Task Leader for two researches in bioeconomy “Food Drug Free – Development of a Portable Miniaturized Technological Platform for Identification of Drugs in Food Products” and “Prime -Innovative processes and products of green chemistry”.
Author of several scientific studies including the book “Circular Economy for Food. Matter, energy and knowledge, in a circle” which considered world-wide the first publication on the focus of the circular economy applied to food. He was awarded with many national and international acknowledgements and had several of his projects selected by the ADI Index.



Systemic Designer e Dottore di Ricerca in Design, Professore Associato presso l’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (UNISG), Executive Director del Laboratorio di Sostenibilità ed economia circolare di UNISG, Delegato per le Politiche di Sostenibilità dell’Ateneo (RUS e ASviS) e per le Relazioni con le Aziende (Network UNISG), membro dell’Osservatorio permanente ADI Design Index (ambito Food Design). Docente di Scienze della Progettazione Gastronomica, EcoDesign, Food Packaging, Company Creation, Systemic Design, Circular Economy for Food. Project Manager
UNISG per ricerca H2020 Innovation Action denominata “FUSILLI – Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation” e la ricerca dell’UE Life Foster “Training, education and communication to reduce food waste in the food service industry”.
È inoltre Circular Economy Task Leader per le ricerche in bioeconomia “Food Drug Free – Development of a Portable Miniaturized Technological Platform for Identification of Drugs in Food Products” e “Prime -Innovative processes and products of green chemistry”.
È autore di numerosi studi scientifici tra cui il libro “Circular Economy for Food. Materia, energia e conoscenza, in circolo” considerata la prima pubblicazione divulgativa a livello internazionale sul tema dell’economia circolare applicata al cibo. Ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti nazionali e internazionali e diversi suoi progetti fanno parte dell’ADI Index.

