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Pietro Avanzini


Neuroscience and Design

II edizione
  • Inglese
  • febbraio 2025


Is a researcher at the National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Neuroscience. His scientific studies are mainly related to the field of System and Computational Neuroscience, with a specific attention paid to the characterization of the cortical areas endowed with the human mirror mechanism. To address this topic, since 2009 he acquired knowledge about neural signal recording and processing, and in particular about electroencephalography (EEG). He contributed papers relative to cortical motor rhythms’ reactivity, and more in general to motor system activation during passive action observation tasks.

Starting from these observations, he is currently investigating how action observation can become an efficient and sustainable tool in neurorehabilitation, conducting studies on clinical populations like people with cerebral palsy, perinatal stroke survivors and traumatological patients.

Recently, thanks to a collaboration with the Epilepsy Surgery Center “Claudio Munari” in Milan, he started to face the same issues (the characterization of the human mirror mechanism and the assessment of cortical rhythms’ generators) by studying intracerebral EEG data. In particular, he currently aims at achieving an online functional characterization of the cortical regions explored in patients, and at identifying scalp EEG biomarkers that can reliably index the activity of specific cortical networks. To this aim, he contributed to establish a long-term collaboration with international companies to develop software based on machine learning and big data treatment.
